Biology - Organismal (BIOO)
BIOO 105N - Introduction to Botany. 3 Credits.
Offered spring. Introduction to the plant kingdom including anatomy, physiology and ecology.
Gen Ed Attributes: Natural Science Course (N)
BIOO 320 - General Botany. 5 Credits.
Offered autumn. Prereq., BIOB 260 and BIOB 272. Anatomy, morphology, ecology and physiology of photosynthetic organisms.
BIOO 335 - Rocky Mountain Flora. 3 Credits.
Offered spring and summer. Prereq., one college-level course in Biology or consent of instr. Elements of the evolution, geography and natural affinities of flowering plants. Identification using a manual of native plants of Montana.
BIOO 340 - Biology and Management of Fishes. 4 Credits.
Offered autumn. Prereq., BIOB 272 and either STAT 216 or WILD 240. Diversity, adaptations and ecology of fishes. Analysis and management of fish populations and communities.
BIOO 433 - Plant Physiology. 3 Credits.
Offered spring. Prereq., BIOB 260 or consent of the instructor. The molecular, biochemical and biophysical basis of plant function, from the subcellular to the whole organism level.
BIOO 434 - Plant Physiology Lab. 1 Credit.
Offered spring. Prereq or coreq., BIOO 433. Laboratory exercises designed to familiarize students with concepts and techniques in plant physiology.
BIOO 462 - Entomology. 4 Credits.
Offered alternate springs. Prereq. or Coreq., BIOB 272. The classification, morphology, anatomy, development, life-history, behavior and ecology of insects. Labs include identification of major insect groups, internal and external anatomy and student collections.
BIOO 470 - Ornithology. 4 Credits.
Offered spring. Prereq. or Coreq., BIOB 272; major of biology, Pre-Wildlife Biology, or Wildlife Biology, and must be of junior or senior standing. The classification, structure, evolution, behavior and ecology of birds.
BIOO 475 - Mammalogy. 4 Credits.
Offered autumn. Prereq., BIOB 272. The evolution, systematics, anatomy, physiology and ecology of mammals.
BIOO 490 - Advanced Undergrad Research. 1-10 Credits.
(R-10) Offered every term. Prereq., junior or senior standing and consent of instr. Independent research under the direction of a faculty member.